A large number of
industries such as the steel Industry and chemical processing industry have
been consistently utilizing pipes made of fluoropolymers and is made of
materials like PTFE and hoses for numerous years for the carriage of highly
reactive or corrosive chemicals. These pipes are becoming increasingly popular
with each passing day, thanks to the unique properties and are replacing the pipes made of carbon and
other metals.
The Properties of
PTFE Tubes
The PTFE tube properties are different from another kind of pipes and it is its unique
properties which set it apart from carbon and the metal pipes.
Thermal properties- PTFE tubing is
resilient enough to withstand high temperatures as high as 680 °F for a short
duration under cryogenic conditions; PTFE tubes does not change even at high
temperatures like 500 degrees Fahrenheit and can withstand cold temperatures
down to -320 °F.
Electrical properties- PTFE tubing boasts of impressive
electrical properties as it is a great insulator and a great surface
It is resistant to UV rays - PTFE tubing has excellent UV
resistance and wearability.
Wear and Friction Qualities- One thing that will strike you about PTFE tubings is its slippery and smooth
surface, so it also has a great wear and frictional qualities.
Application of PTFE
The success of PTFE tubing is chiefly because of its unique
properties and it is used in a wide number of industries. The PTFE uses and
Properties are as follows:
In automotive applications, the property of PTFE to
withstand temperatures in excess of 250oC makes it an ideal tube for
high-temperature fluid transfer and hence is a ready reckoner for PTFE tube suppliers.
In medical applications, PTFE tubing is much in demand due
to its lubricity and chemical inertness. The use of catheters
employing PTFE Tubing as it can be inserted into the human body without
fear of thinking it will affect the health of the patient.
In chemical applications, it can be used in laboratories and
can replace the use of glass tubes mainly because it is inert and very durable
and hence a favorite with PTFE tube manufacturers.
In electrical applications, the very effective dielectric
properties of PTFE tubing make it very suitable for insulating high voltage cables.
The versatility of PTFE tubes has upped its popularity in recent years and there seems to be little
chance of its popularity waning out
anytime soon.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a high molecular polymer
that is a much sought after product used in cable and tubing industry chiefly
because of its electrical properties, chemical inertness, and high-temperature
resistance. More and more industries are using this unique material, especially in the manufacturing and industrial
sectors mainly because of the specific properties of the particular polymer. It
is of no surprise that PTFE abrasion resistant tubes are much sought after
across the world; certain unique properties are setting it apart from another
similar kind of tubes.
The qualities mentioned here a makes it an integral part of the most industries. Majorities are realizing that PTFE tubings are indispensable to their manufacturing needs and hence it goes without
saying that most industries cannot function without these incredible