What are the styles of PTFE available in a Mechanical Industry Company?

A majority of industries including the steel Industry and chemical processing industry use consistently utilizing pipes composed of fluoropolymers and mainly PTFE hoses are utilized to make these pipes. This kind of pipes is largely used to carry chemicals which are highly reactive or corrosive. The popularity of these pipes is such that gradually carbon- made pipes and another kind of pipes are slowly being replaced with PTFE tubing.

The Properties of PTFE Tubes 

The PTFE tube properties are drastically different from other pipes and the popularity of the pipes is huge because of its unique properties. The important PTFE tube properties are as follows. The unique properties fulfill the needs of the different industries right from mechanical industries company to chemical industries. 

·         Thermal properties- PTFE tubing can withstand very high temperatures, in fact it can withstand temperatures as high as 680 °F for a stipulated period under cryogenic conditions; Here the pronounced properties of PTFE tubes do not waver even when it is brought under high temperatures such as 500 degrees Fahrenheit and that’s not all it can withstand extremely cold temperatures too even when it is down to -320 °F.

·         Electrical properties- PTFE tubing has impressive electrical properties as it is a great insulator and has competent insular properties.

·         UV resistance and wearability- PTFE tubing boasts of superb UV resistance and wearability.
·         Wear and Friction Qualities- The surface of  PTFE tubing is relatively slippery and smooth and thus it boasts of great wear and frictional qualities.

Usage of PTFE Tubes

 The success of PTFE tubing is largely dependant on the unique properties and that is why it is used in a large number of industries. The PTFE uses and Properties are as follows:

In automotive applications, the property of PTFE has the property of withstanding high temperatures that are more than 250degreesC and hence is perfect for highly corrosive fluid transfers and hence PTFE tube suppliers consider it an integral part of their industries.

The medical industry cannot do without PTFEtubes either because of its lubricity and chemical inertness. One such example is that of catheters which are deemed safe to insert in human bodies too. That speaks a lot of the dependency of the medical industry on PTFE tubes.

PTFE tubes are a must-have in laboratories and have the power and the potentiality of replacing the use of glass tubes. The qualities which make PTFE tubes indispensable is its inert properties and also the fact that it is very durable.

In electrical applications, the PTFE tubing is set apart because of the dielectric properties that make it particularly suitable for the process of insulation of high voltage cables.

The PTFE properties are also used in mechanical industries which makes bearing pads, under extreme conditions such as high pressure-low velocity load conditions. Some examples to note here are pipe support pads, bridge bearing pads, and mounting pads for some heavy duty manufacturing.

Check out some of the short list applications:

  • Heat exchangers
  • Coatings
  •  Non-Shrink & Heat Shrink Tubing
  •  Carburetor Shafts
  •   Mold release
  •   Medical Catheter Guide Wires
  •  Automotive brake parts 
  •   Jet fuel filters 
  •   Cryogenic Applications
  •   Bearing Pads

No wonder the uses and importance of PTFE tubes are hitting the roof thanks largely because of its unique properties.

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